Faculty Toolkits

What are faculty toolkits?  

To support career exploration and planning across the curriculum, a series of faculty toolkits have been created to help faculty to incorporate career-related topics into their classes. Toolkits contain lecture materials, class activities, assignments, discussion guides, etc. and are housed in Canvas so that items can be copied into course shells. 

Three types of toolkits will be created. First, a toolkit will be created for non-limited access AS programs to incorporate the career exploration and planning unit from SLS 1122 into their introductory courses. Second, toolkits will be created to help general education faculty incorporate career exploration and planning topics into their classes. Lastly, toolkits will be created to help faculty incorporate NACE competencies into their courses. 

How do faculty toolkits contribute to the goals of the QEP, Explore to Complete? 

Polk State College’s QEP, Explore to Complete, seeks to engage students in intentional curricular and co-curricular career exploration and planning activities. As our QEP is implemented, a series of career development services and activities will be added or enhanced in order to provide students with more opportunities to engage in career planning activities in and out of the classroom. Faculty toolkits provide the opportunity for faculty to connect their course content to student career goals.  

What are some sample topics of faculty toolkits?  

There are toolkits that are short five-minute activities and others that are more in-depth projects. Toolkits have been created to help students explore and plan for their careers. Other toolkits allow students to examine job descriptions and begin crafting resumes and cover letters. There are also toolkits that allow students to connect course content to careers and job skills.  

How do faculty access toolkits?  

Faculty toolkits are available through Canvas, allowing faculty to copy activities, assignments, discussion prompts, etc. into their courses.  

I want to implement a faculty toolkit in my course. How do I get started?  

If you’re interested in implementing faculty toolkits in your course, you can contact QEP co-chairs, Dr. Susie Moerschbacher (SMoerschbacher@meritavukatlik.com) or Simmi Johnson (sjohnson@meritavukatlik.com).  

What if I have an idea for a toolkit?  

The toolkit development team is always looking for new ideas for toolkits. You can submit these ideas through the Faculty Toolkits Canvas course or submit them directly via the toolkits submission form.